About Me
The most common question I am often asked is..”How did you get started on fashion blogging?” Even some of my close friends asked me the same question. One day they just started seeing my pictures in different outfits and got an invite to like my Facebook page. I guess they would have never thought that Lynne who they often see in skinny jeans and a simple shirt would turn out to be a fashion blogger.
Both blogging and fashion aren’t new to me. I have always loved “doing business” even as a little girl, selling jewelries and hair accessories, and I grew up in a fashion business which my mom owned back in the Philippines where I’m from. That business is what raised me up and sent me to school.
The funny part is that I went to college and got me a degree which had nothing to do with both business and fashion. I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Technology. Yep, I thought I was going to be a doctor. I thought I wanted to be a doctor.
To the surprises of my family, I never practiced it. To make the long story short, I self-studied graphic/digital design several years later and now own a web design company that caters to small businesses, churches, and non-profit organizations. In addition, I also blog about business and entrepreneurship on my other blog. I am blessed to be working for myself and blog full time.
So back to how I got started on fashion blogging…
I went through a difficult time back in 2010 all the way through last year and shopping for cute clothes became my outlet. About the same time, my mom saw on TV how some bloggers in the Philippines are making it and she convinced me to do it. I was hesitant at first but eventually gave in and I am glad I did!
About the Blog Name
For three years, I had the name of this fashion blog after me. But as of September 26, 2014, I decided to change my blog name into “Whatever is Lovely.” It was named after a line from a Bible verse that I have been “hearing” in my mind again and again lately. Honestly, I was a little hesitant to change it because I had a little attachment to my name. However, it seems that I won’t have a peace of mind until I make the move. So I did. The URL will stay the same which is www.lynnegabriel.shop for now until I figure out how it will affect my SEO ranking (you know, technical stuff!) My social media links will also stay the same…although I REALLY wish that Facebook will let me change my blog name. Until that happens, I’m stuck with my current “Asian Fashion” title. Oh well!
Click here to see some of the name brands that I had the pleasure of working with.