Thank you for your interest in collaborating with me. You may reach me directly via email at [email protected]. Please note that I am NOT accepting any guest posting, article contributions or link exchange.
Please understand that blogging takes a lot of work. At least on my part. It is different for every blogger. I spend about 3-4 hours amount of work for every blog post between preparing, actual shooting, editing of images, writing, and promoting to my network of readers. I take my blogging seriously and I hope you noticed the quality of the work I put out there. Due to this, I am unable to accept brand introduction requests by means of simply writing about it and using pictures submitted or from its website, without compensation or for “trial run” to possibly sponsor me. I also do not currently do any link exchanges.
Product Features and Review
If you are an online boutique owner, a designer, or a brand and would like to have your products featured here, you are more than welcome to send me some samples. Repetition is the key to any successful marketing. Therefore, two or more features work better than just one. A variety of items for separate features is highly recommended. Please keep in mind that I prefer to select the items myself as this will allow me to project your product better in the pictures and promote it well. Please also keep in mind that even if the products are considered as a gift, I will review it, as well as your service, with unbiased opinions. Readers trust their bloggers for the brands they represent so to have a good review and a good relationship, please treat me as if I were a customer. I will, however, contact you if I have any concerns prior to writing any review. Please also keep in mind that since I put work into the product reviews, the samples will be considered as a gift/compensation for the work I have put into it and will not be returned. It is in my best interest to promote your brand to the best of my ability. Please note that I reserve the right to put additional, similar options next to your link. I also reserve the right to direct the link to another vendor if your website has sold out.
I love giving back to my readers and I always welcome and appreciate any brands who are willing to sponsor one or be a part of a big giveaway that I am doing. However, I prefer to always introduce the brand by integrating your items on any of my outfits, prior to agreeing to host or include your item on a giveaway. This is on a case-to-case basis though so please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. The item you would want to giveaway must be related to fashion and/or beauty and a certain minimum retail value is required. The higher the value of the item you’re giving away the better chances your brand will get entries.
Sponsored Posts
I am open to writing a dedicated post about your brand or company for a specific reasonable rate. I do prefer to to write the article myself but you can always give me an idea of where you would like the post to be built around. However, if you would rather submit the article, the article must have not been published on other sites/blogs and must be professionally written. This keeps the integrity and the quality of
Banner Ads
If you would like a banner ad placed on the sidebar, please email me for spots available and the rates.
If you have other ideas for collaboration that I have not mentioned here, please pitch it anyways! If you’re ready to proceed, contact me.
Brands That I’ve Worked With
Over the years of blogging, God has allowed me to work with numerous brands and boutiques. I am so grateful for the opportunity that these companies have given me. Below are just some of the ones I have worked with to give you an idea. I haven’t yet listed the boutiques that I have worked with but I will make an effort to add them soon. Each of the logos below is owned by the respective brand.