1. H&M Sweater (Similar 1 , 2, 3) | 2. H&M Skirt (Sold out, Similar in Black and Mustard) | 3. Greg Michaels Handbag | 4. JustFab Bow Heels | 5. Benevolent Jewels Pearl Stud Earrings | 6. Benevolent Jewels Pearl Necklace | 7. TRAX NYC Heart Bracelet, TRAX NYC Stone Bracelet | In Addition: Amazon Fashion Bow Belt (Black, Leopard, Turquoise) (All c/o)
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A few more hours till Christmas! This is my fourth Christmas as a fashion blogger and I’m so grateful for each and everyone of you. I am so grateful that God has allowed me to do what I love to do and share it with you. I have made some awesome virtual friends and it’s just amazing to see some of you stick with me from my humble beginning days!
Anyway, so here’s the 4th of my Holiday Looks series. The weather in Houston as usual was erratic – sometimes cold, sometimes warm. The day we shot this was around low 70s so it was perfect. Oh and how do you like the new location? I kinda felt like Alice in Wonderland here. Well, it was the red door and the lifesize chess board that made me feel that way.
Please allow me to toot my own horn, but I just love this look – thus the overload of pics (sorry no sorry?! ha!). It’s simple but each piece of the outfit has contributed to make it an awesome whole, do you agree? The H&M skirt is flirty but not seductive, the JustFab shoes are fabulous, the pearl jewelries from Benevolent Jewels are classy, and ohhhh the bag!
The Greg Michaels mint bag is so elegant! You would have not thought to use a mint for fall/winter but it’s the perfect contrast for the red going on in any holiday outfit. It’s on the more expensive side but it’s still affordable. The quality is amazing, the design and the size for the style is perfect. You have got to check them out. They do have some “Chanel-ish” style bags.
Anyway, my lovelies, hope you enjoy this time with your loved ones. I know I will. We have a Christmas party tonight with some friends and we’re going to have some games and definitely lots of food!!!
Merry Christmas everyone!
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