1. Sole Society Blanket Scarf | 2. Lulu’s Shirt Dress | 3. Mellow World Handbag (Use MW10LYNNE to receive 10%)| 4. Lucky 21 Peep Toe Booties | 5. Sole Society Hat | 6. Lemon Drop Boutique Necklace | 7. Oh So Fancy Bow Bracelet (All c/o)
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Whoa! Can you believe that we are 6 days away from Christmas?! I’m like excited and kind of internally freaking out at the same time. I can’t believe that 11 months have gone by and we’re only a couple of weeks away from 2015. It’s exciting but the thought of the unknown for the new year somewhat scares me – anyone with me?
Anyway, so this is the last outfit for this week. I am resuming with my Holiday Looks next week so stay tuned. This hunter green dress is from Lulu’s and they only have a few pieces left! The style is basic and obviously the color is solid so there’s a lot you can do with it. I decided to go for a blanket scarf turned poncho here with a matching navy hat from Sole Society for a classic brit look. If you want something edgy, think faux leather moto jacket and a pair of black booties. If you want something glam, pick a sequin blazer or any sparkle blazer and sexy stilettos. If you want something casual, a denim jacket and wear your favorite flat shoes or tall boots. Ahhh, this shirt dress is quite versatile! Don’t you just love pieces that you can almost make a staple, even if it’s for a season?
My peep toe booties here from Lucky 21 are so comfortable, I kid you not! I get compliments whenever I wear them. They are currently on sale right now so you might want to check them out.
Speaking of sale, have you ladies and gents finished your Christmas shopping yet? If you haven’t yet, I can’t recommend enough this iPhone app called Shopular. I have talked about it on a separate post a couple of weeks ago and if you missed that post, you can check it here. You can download it FREE from iTunes and you can thank me later once you save literally hundreds of dollars for your gift shopping. See, what Shopular does it it alerts you of promotions, deals, and sales going on at your favorite stores! And if you happen to be close to a store that has something great going on, the app will alert you. For example, you happen to be shopping at one store and the next store happens to have some sale going on, Shopular will notify you so you don’t miss any deals! But not only that, you will also find some holiday giveaways! In fact, the other day, when I opened my app, I saw a $200 Starbucks Holiday Shopping Spree giveaway. Who doesn’t want that?! I can’t convince you enough, you just have to try the app for yourself. *Wink*
Disclaimer: A portion of this post is sponsored by Shopular. The opinions expressed herein are mine and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Shopular. Thank you for supporting lynnegabriel.shop sponsors. They make my blog possible.
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