TOMS for Target Girls Hoodie | TOMS for Target Clutch Bag | TOMS for Target Men’s Shoes with Drawstring
“I’m so excited! I just can’t hide it!” Have you guys picked up some pieces from the TOMS for Target gift collection yet? It came out last November 16, and I made an announcement here. And I even posted a photo of that funky TOMS for Target twinsies sweater with my sis-in-law on Instagram. Click here if you missed it and if you did, it’s probably time to follow me there (heyitslynneg). *Wink*
I’m so excited that I was able to pick me up some before they completely sold out! It’s actually almost gone at the Target branch near my house that’s why I was only able to get the men’s shoes and the girl’s hoodie…but hey, they fit and thought they look great! I looked like a high school girl in this casual outfit, didn’t I? The best part? It’s all for a good cause! So not only are you buying gifts for yourself or loved ones, but you’re also buying gifts for those who are in need through TOMS, Feeding America, and American Red Cross.
Visit this TOMS for Target link to start shopping! This is such a wonderful way to give back during the holidays!
TOMSFor Target: One-for-One. For All. Starting November 16th, for every Target+TOMS limited edition gift you buy, we’re (Target) giving shoes, a blanket or meals to those in need. #TOMSForTarget
Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Target via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are mine and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Target. Thank you for supporting lynnegabriel.shop sponsors. They make my blog possible.
I hope that shoot was as fun as you made it look!